Royce Douglas' spot.on.james

Spot.on.James exists to contribute to the study of James' amazing letter. If it does that, I give thanks and glory to God, who alone sows the Seed of Righteousness in those who rest and find their peace in Him (James 3:18).


On Dreams and "Anyone Can" and "Everyone Cannot"

This blurb just arrived in my inbox from a coworker (this is but a wee bit of it, Dr. M. twaddled on for much longer than this!):

5 Reasons Why Dreams Don't Take Flight, by Dr. John C. Maxwell:

Most of us never see our dreams come true. Instead of soaring through the clouds, our dreams languish like a broken-down airplane confined to its hangar. Through life, I have come to identify five common reasons why dreams don't take flight.

#1 We Have Been Discouraged from Dreaming by Others
We have to pilot our own dreams; we cannot entrust them to anyone else....We have to grasp the controls tightly to keep from being knocked off course.

#2 We Are Hindered by Past Disappointments and Hurts
....Disappointment is the gap that exists between expectation and reality, and all of us have encountered that gap. Failure is a necessary and natural part of life, but if we're going to attain our dreams, then...we have to summon the courage deal with past hurts.

#3 We Fall into the Habit of Settling for Average
Average is the norm for a reason. Being exceptional demands extra effort, sustained inspiration, and uncommon discipline....Through time, our lives become mundane, and our dreams slip away.

#4 We Lack the Confidence Needed to Pursue Our Dreams
....Amelia Earhart....confidently chased after her dream, and she was rewarded with both fulfillment and fame.

#5 We Lack the Imagination to Dream
For thousands of years, mankind traveled along the ground.... Thanks to the dreams of Orville and Wilbur Wright, we now hop across oceans....Imagination lifts us beyond average....Dreams infuse our spirit with energy and spur us on to greatness.

If we were to sum up this bit of Amway-speak in just two words, they would be: "Anyone Can!" This is the mantra today, across the entire "leadership" genre, is it not? "Anyone Can!" One can almost hear the voice on the tape, "You are a 'Go-Getter!'"

But there's a problem. Everyone Cannot. The lie residing just beneath the surface of every fine sounding "Anyone Can" is the fact that "Everyone Cannot." In fact, among certain people groups, past and present, literally Everyone Cannot.

Come with me on a little tour of some of the people groups who have experienced more "Cannot" than "Can."

Imagine, if you will, what it would be like to live as...

...a Javanese islander during Dutch colonialization? Armenian under Turkish occupation in the decades leading up to the first great war?

...a Jew in 1939 Berlin or Warsaw or occupied Holland?

...a Tutsi in 1994 Rwanda? of the non-Arab ethnic groups in Darfur today?

When pressed up against the truth of "Everyone Cannot," the twaddle of "Anyone Can" cannot help but come across as trite.


(With apologies to Dr. King!) I too have a dream!

I dream of the day when those of us in Dr Maxwell's line of work stop talking so much about "leadership" and start talking more about "servant-ship!"

I dream of the day when those of us in Dr Maxwell's line of work aspire to the much higher, much more exciting, and far more rewarding calling of humility in the service of Jesus and the service of those who face their own "Cannots" of this life!

I dream of the day when those of us in Dr Maxwell's line of work truly live to serve and feed and build up those who, on account of those both over and around them, truly "Cannot!"

James says this, "Listen, folks, has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he has promised to those who love him? But you have dishonored the poor man."

Lord Jesus, please give me the strength and courage to serve and to live my life on behalf of my "Cannot" friends!

Loyalty Tested, part 3



Just how loyal are we to 'the truths of the faith' in the face of so many things that try to encroach upon them or add to them? Just how determined are we in making sure the Gospel message is not corrupted by addition or dilution today? Have we become enamored with mixing other things in with The Gospel? Are we perverting by dilution, in the guise of 'holistic' ministry, The Gospel that alone has the power to save?

At the heart of James' argument is a picture of what loyalty to The Gospel looks like. His core thesis is The Gospel itself: No anger (no drive, no impetus) of man's can attain to the Righteousness of God. But, by the humble and simple reception of the Word (The Gospel) which is implanted by God into our very lives, His righteousness IS attained (1:20-21). (Without question, this receiving necessarily includes a turning away from all (internal) 'moral filth' and from all (external) 'prevalent evil.' However, the turning away from evil is not what ultimately 'merits' the work of God or the righteousness of God - what is clearly seen in the humble act of freely receiving what God alone provides is that the 'merit' is Christ's alone!)

The picture that James uses to illustrate his thesis is particularly applicable today. It is especially so for us, in light of what is so prevalent in our society today. There is no doubting the popularity (even among Christians) of self-help programs of every kind. We live in a 'how-to' world. A myriad of cable channels, books, and seminars are happy to teach you how to decorate the house, how to design a dinner setting or a backyard garden or a dining room carpet, how to fix the plumbing or the computer, how to make and spend your money, how to fix your marriage or your spouse or your children, how to 'manage' your stress, how to attain your 'next level' of spirituality, how to fix your emotions, how to find your god, how to achieve his favor -- good grief, it's endless! And God's people are leading the way in beating a path to this stuff! If we're having to ask, "How do I do [fill-in-the-blank] ?" then James asks us if we're looking into the right 'mirror!'

James makes it clear to us that we must choose which 'mirror' we will look into for the help we need. One is the 'mirror' of our introspective self-help effort. It is the 'mirror' of the knowledge of good and evil. It is the effort to effect in ourselves the changes required to achieve the blessings of God. The result is that we walk away frustrated at our utter inability to change anything, much less remember what it was we'd glimpsed, in that moment of introspection, that needed changing!


In stark contrast, James strongly commends to us a different 'mirror.' The other 'mirror' is the 'completed law that gives us liberty.' It is The Gospel alone, The Gospel of the finished righteousness, The Story of the completed work of Christ in fulfilling God's law, that has the power to free us from the endless, introspective, self-help cycle of forgetfulness, frustration, and fruitlessness that is found looking in the other 'mirror.'

It reminds me of Brad's (not his real name) story. Brad came forward in response to the message one morning. The message was very typical of those prevalent today, full of the how-you-can-be-what-you're-not and how-you-can-get-to-where-you're-not kind of stuff. As Brad began to divulge his heart's desires, he soon began asking the predictable series of "how" questions, each "how" leading to the next. "How do I do that?" followed by, "and then, how do I do THAT?" Fortunately for Brad, his prayer partner interrupted by telling him that "how" might be the wrong question to ask. He showed Brad this scripture from James and pointed out that "how" is the 'mirror' of our own powerlessness and frustration. As he began to show Brad the other 'mirror,' the Tree of Life, the perfected work of Christ, the 'completed law which gives us liberty,' suddenly the lights started coming on in Brad's heart and mind. He began to get his focus off of himself, and began to look outside of himself for the help he was longing for. He began to look upon the One lifted up on a cross; He began to see Him who had already accomplished what all the "how" questions in Brad's mind could not. It was a glance that effected so much more than Brad could have ever hoped or dreamed that morning! Suddenly the heaviness of "how?" was gone, and in its place was a newly implanted seed of peace of mind given from above!

We are called by James, and by Paul, and by Jesus' Spirit still today, to reignite our passion for, and our single-minded loyalty to, The Gospel alone. The Gospel alone, not mixed with the latest self-help therapy, has the power to save! For the Christian, loyalty to the truths (dare I say doctrines) of The Gospel is THE defining moral issue of the ages! Our loyalty to our Savior is measured in, as Paul instructs Timothy, our "closely watching ourself and The Teaching!" (1Tim 4:16) The Gospel Story alone must have our single-minded and enduring loyalty!

[ I'd like to make a final recommendation: a series on First Timothy by Joshua Harris entitled, "Entrusted With The Gospel." He brilliantly develops the theme of enduring loyalty to the Gospel. I highly recommend that you visit this site and download a copy for yourself. Here is the link:

It is a worthwhile listen! ]

Royce Douglas